Artemis partners meeting in Marseille in May 2024

Our story

The vital role seagrass meadows play in the Mediterranean ecosystem raised the attention of scientists as they are essential for carbon sequestration, coastal protection, and marine biodiversity. However, due to human activities and environmental changes, seagrass meadows have been declining .

Early restoration projects showed promise, but it became clear that a more coordinated, large-scale approach was needed. Thus, the ARTEMIS project was conceived. With, 10 dedicated partners from 5 European countries, have worked tirelessly to develop this ambitious project. Their goal has been to restore seagrass meadows and more importantly to develop innovative solutions and integrate ecosystem service values into policies to ensure the long-term conservation of seagrass meadows.


ARTEMIS - Project Partners discussing the strategy


LP Plan Bleu PB
PP2 Hellenic Centre for Marine Research HCMR
PP3 Istituto Superiore per la Ricerca et la Protezione Ambientale ISPRA
PP4 Mediterranean Coast and Sea Foundation MEDSEA
PP5 Minorcan Institute of Studies – Socio-environmental Observatory of Menorca IME-OBSAM
PP6 Municipality of Monfalcone Monfalcone
PP8 EY Denkstatt EY Denkstatt
PP9 Bax Bax
PP10 The Green Tank The Green Tank
Plan Bleu
HCMR Institute of Oceanography
Istituto Superiore per la Protezione<br />
e la Ricerca Ambientale
MEDSEA - Mediterranean Sea and Coast Foundation
IME-OBSAM Institut menorqui d'estudis - observatori socioambiental de Menorca
Comune di Monfalcone
Denkstatt EY
The green Tank